角田先生 DAC導入例

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オーディオ評論家 角田郁雄 DAC-MP1 導入記





32bit DACチップ、ESS9018(内部の8ch分のDACを左右に4個ずつに分けて、並列駆動できる。)をDA変化部に使ったら、このDACチップ特有の分解能の高さも生かされ、空間表現に優れ、高密度かつ繊細な音が聴けるに違いないと想像し、「ESS9018付きデジタル回路+金田式IVC構想」が頭から離れなかった。しかし、私自身に設計のスキルはないし、とりわけ、ESSのDACチップは扱いが難しいという話も聴いていた。そこで、思い出したのが、昨年の金田式アンプ試聴会で、お会いしたシステムエンジニアの萩尾さんである。今年の4月ころに、連絡をとり、相談してみた。萩尾さんは、凄く慎重な方で、即返事はなかったが、相当の時間をおいて、「少し時間はかかりますが、ESS9018には興味があり、やってみます。」とのことであった。こうして、いろいろな実験や試作を繰り返したのであろう、今回、ESS9018デジタルボードと専用のIVC基板が完成し、基板販売、キット販売、完成品の販売となったのである。




完成品の内部を見ると、実に丁重に製作され、市販品では使われない高品位パーツがぎっしり。(ESSチップを含め、使用パーツは相当高価である。) 内部を見ているだけでも精密感があり、魅力的だ。ESSチップ用にディスクリート構成の電源がなんと4つ搭載されている贅沢なつくりだ。IC以外にチップ部品を使っていないことも音への拘りを感じる(こんなDACは見たことが無い)。さて、残念ながら私は電流伝送のアンプを持っていない。うれしいことに本機は電圧出力もできるので、通常のオーディオシステムで使用できるようになっている。この点は実にありがたい。まずは手持ちのシステムで楽しみ、次に金田式電流伝送アンプへ接続とステップアップ可能だ。さて、その音はESS9018のもたらす分解能の高さが生かされ、金田式IVC出力回路により、CDやハイレゾ音源を聴いても、刺激感皆無のアナログ的な音質が特徴。空間性に優れ、音の鮮度、倍音の豊かさ、レスポンスの良さは格別で、オケやビッグバンドのブラス群のフォルテシモは力強く、鮮やか、かつ重厚。また楽器数が少なく、穏やかな女性ヴォーカル曲やクラシック室内楽を聴くと、電池駆動であることもあり、一音一音が凝縮され、蜜度の高い音質であることも理解でき、音の消え入るような弱音も実にデリカシーに富んでいる。おそらく、電流伝送アンプに接続すれば、もっと鮮度が上がり、音楽に瑞々しさが加わるに違いない。私の課題は電流伝送アンプの導入だ。ヘッドフォンアンプも聴いてみたが、ヘッドフォン自体の音色にこれら音質が加わり、本格的なヘッドフォンオーディオが楽しめ、これも本機の魅力だ。






角田 郁雄 2012年9月9日



Recently, I got an opportunity to listen to Professor Kaneta’s new models.
All of them were truly fascinating, but especially, I have been deeply moved
by its wonderful “current transfer” regardless of the analog / digital difference.

His (Professor Kaneta’s) ideas on circuit design are always impressing because I feel it comes naturally from his deep inside.
I mean, his technical knowledge from his long audio career and his various music experiences irrespective
of live/recorded music mixed inside of him and it brings him an insight into what sound/music should he reproduce.

Personally, I like present current-transfer sound very much because it does not deteriorate
the freshness that each music source has. And furthermore, Kaneta-type audio adds some unique energies to the sound and
it enables me to listen to reproduced music much deeper.

With above impressions, I imagined how it would be wonderful if I can apply 32bit DAC chip ESS9018
(My current most notable chip, the inside has 8 DAC channels and can be driven parallelly) to the DA converter.
Because I am sure it will help to fulfill DAC chip’s unique resolution quality more and it makes possible to listen to the
sound with good spatial representation, high-density and fineness.
So, I could not get “Digital circuit with ESS9018 + Kaneta-type IVC” idea out of my mind.

However, I have no design skills to make my idea comes true and I had heard a story about how much ESS’s DAC chip is hard to handle.
At the moment I was reminded of Mr. Hagio, a system engineer, I had met in Kaneta-type Amplifier Listening Event last year.

In this April, I contacted him and asked about my above-mentioned idea.
He was very cautious person so that he could not answer me soon but after taking a while,
he replied me “It may take time a little bit but I would like to try it because I have an interest in ESS9018”.
And after that, I trust he had done a bunch of testing and trails for it. And thanks to his efforts,
ESS9018 digital board and its special IVC circuit board are now available in three ways,
circuit board / kit form / finished condition.


Finally, DAC-MP1 arrived in my hands.

The inside of the DAC-MP1 is meticulously assembled with full of high-grade parts that are not used in normal products
(The cost of each part including ESS chip should be so expensive). Just seeing the inside fascinated me with its precision.
And I felt it is so gorgeously made because 4 discrete circuit power sources are used only for ESS chip.
Moreover, when I found that the chip part is only used at IC, I realized Mr. Hagio’s craftsmanship for sounds
(I have never seen DAC like this!).

By the way, unfortunately, I have no current transfer amplifier personally.
However, fortunately, the DAC can be used with voltage output so that I could use it in normal audio systems.
This flexibility helped me a lot and I surely appreciate it fully.
And thanks to this feature, I can consider step-up plan as, first, I enjoy music with my current audio system,
then as a second step, I improve my system by applying Kaneta type Current transfer amp..

The sound reflects ESS9018 high resolution very much.
And, by the Kaneta-type IVC output circuit, the feature of the sound quality is like an analog one
which has no stimulation regardless of listening to CD or High-resolution music data source.
It has a wonderful spatiality, sound freshness, good harmonics and fast response.
If I play Orchestra/big band music, the brass band sounds with strong fortissimo, vividness and profoundness.

If I put music with less instruments like a gentle female vocal music or classic chamber music,
I can understand the high-density sound quality because each musical note is compressed
with the help of battery driven system.  And I can find some-delicacy even in a weak sound
which barely audible.

I assume if I connect DAC-MP1 with current transfer amp., it will boost up the sound freshness and
add live feeling onto the sound. So my next target is to add current transfer amp. in my system.

By the way, I tried DAC-MP1 also with my headphone amplifier. The above-mentioned sounds features are
newly added onto the headphone sound and it enables me to enjoy headphone audio seriously.
And I want to say this is one of the good points of the DAC-MP1.

In my experience, I would like to strongly recommend listening to this new Kaneta-type sound to
his Amplifier fans, the people who want to try assembling his Amplifier or the people who cannot assemble amp.
but yearning his sounds.

Besides, I would like to write one thing about technical issue by taking this opportunity.

ESS9018 chip has PLL bandwidth setting. If you set the width narrower,
it will heighten the sound quality even though it narrows down tolerable jitter width of digital data.
And if the jitter of the digital data is within the setting width, the panel’s lock indicator lights.
So the Lowest setting is the setting we can expect good sound quality, with narrow jitter width.
And, from “Lowest”, the setting follows as Low, Medium_Low, Medium,,,,,, to Highest.

So it is preferable to listen at Lowest setting or close to Lowest setting as Low.

Compare to DAC-MP1, the other DACs with ESS chip are sold with Medium or higher range
settings to prevent un-lockable situation. But this ambitious and challenging
DAC-MP1’s default setting is Lowest.

I have conducted an experiment to check its lock ability by connecting DAC-MP1
with my listening room’s audio system (CD Transport and DDC).
As a result, I confirmed that it could be locked at 44.1k, 48k, 96k, 192k without problem.
I also tried at 88k, although it took a little bit time, I assume after the equipments were warmed up, it was locked.
I have never seen the ESS chip DAC which enables to lock at Lowest setting without problem,
and what I need to do for that is just to connect. I guess there should be something special
in the clock systems (This is because there are the other available settings except Lowest).

Lastly, as per I heard, the clock systems may have synchronous circuit with upper stream equipments (such as Transport, DDC)
as a building block option. And I am looking forward to the system’s upgrade very much from now.
I also noted that the DSD supported/Clock synchronization supported DDC design is now under progression.

9th September 2012